
Pet Fashion

     Weeknights 11

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   Weeknights 11

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show summary

From puppy pret-a-porter to kitty couture, find out what the world’s best-dressed pets will be sporting this season. With host Kristina Ejem.


  1. Wish we could see your shows in the US.

    I would post them on my site pawvogue.com

  2. Hi!
    I handle PR for pet products in the U.S., among other things, and would love to know if any of your shows air in the U.S.


  3. Rubies Canada would love the opportunity to present to you our new line of Pet Costumes and Accessories for 2013 and send you a copy of our catalogue. If you are interested in learning more about our products, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly.

    Best regards,

  4. Hi there Pat Fashion,

    I know you did an episode before March 12th that had a lady colouring and sparkling up poodles with some kind of dye or gel. I think she refered to them as pastels. I was wondering where I could get them. If anyone remembers this please let me know. She was a former hairstylist. Thank you

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