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North Paws


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NORTH PAWS Sneak Preview

NORTH PAWS Sneak Preview

Check out this sneak preview of NORTH PAWS, a fascinating firsthand look at the fight to save and protect dogs in Canada's Far North.



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show summary

For centuries, humans and dogs worked together to survive in Canada’s North. But this ancient partnership is no more — and for canines, the consequences have been tragic. This original new documentary by Natasha Duchene tells the story of dedicated volunteers who are battling to protect and better the lives of dogs in northern communities. VISIT THE NORTH PAWS WEB SITE.

past episodes


  1. Pingback: Aurora the Tripod Northern Dog Comes Back From Death’s Door | Furever Network

  2. We’ve called out to the NWT community to share inspiring stories of rescued dogs — here’s the first of what we hope are many – share and get the word out – Northern Dog Specials are the best! http://furever.ca/northern-dog-aurora-comes-back-from-death-an-inspiring-rescued-dog-tail/

  3. This review just in … This is no mere sad dog story – North Paws paints a brighter future for dogs in Canada’s north, one where they once again find a place in that culture. Review: North Paws – Pretty Clever Films http://bit.ly/11NVjID

  4. The fight to save dogs in Northern Canada – QMI Agency – including the Sun Newspapers

    North Paws writer/director Natasha Duchene endeavours to shine a light on the people who are working against long odds to try to improve the situation. … If it weren’t for dogs, the history of Canada’s North would be very different. Canadians all love the symbol. We need to find a way to keep it alive.

    Toronto Sun http://bit.ly/18MX5fv
    Sudbury Star http://bit.ly/106uroV
    London Free Press http://bit.ly/YpTeUj
    Jam Showbiz Television http://bit.ly/YpSWNp
    Celebrity Balla http://bit.ly/13mexqU

  5. NWT dogs scamper into small screen spotlight

    Duchene hopes audiences take away a sense of awe and respect for the North, the region’s ancient partnership between dogs and people, and the difference many Northerners are making in the lives of animals.

    “The more we can remember how our lives are intertwined with other living things, the more we will live compassionately I think, and I hope this film speaks to that,��� Duchene said. — Northern Journal – http://bit.ly/18wAFz9

  6. Thanks for a wonderful premiere Pet Net, we so appreciate your support in spreading the news of community action on behalf of the animals that can not speak for themselves!

    Looking forward to the second broadcast on Saturday :)

    - Judith Keenan, Producer

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